Administration of uploaded images (exported) (My Little Forum)
This is an entry, that was exported to mylittleforum.net.
While I'm working on my theme I looked into the list of uploaded images. Here, in this installation, I am the only one, who used this function until now.
I poked around and can state the following.
- The admin can decide to forbid image uploads or allow it for admins and mods or registered users or for the complete audience.
- There's no documentation about the uploading user.
- So every image is accessible for every visitor or user who is authorised to upload images her or himself.
- To check the upload directory an admin can use a FTP-client or the browse-uploads-view in the upload popup (uncomfortable at all).
I'm not sure if logging of the uploader and the ability to restrict the access to the images (other board and forum scripts restrict the use of the images to the uploader) is desirable. But at least the browsing of existing image uploads IMHO should be more convenient for allowed users to select an image for use and also for admins for administration of images.
Tschö, Auge