
Show avatars on additional places (exported) (My Little Forum)

by Auge @, Monday, January 15, 2018, 13:05 2591 days ago

This is an entry, that was exported to mylittleforum.net.


I opened a new issue on Github to discuss an idea about avatars. The script is able to handle avatar images for users. The admin can allow them for the profiles or additionally for the postings. I like to show them also in the user list in the user area and for the logged in user the own avatar in the user menu in front of ones user name.

To unify the look (alignment in the list(s)) I propose also the introduction of placeholder(s). I have created a simple placeholder image in two resolutions.

32x32 pixels:

128x128 pixels:

Additionally it is also possible to display a different placeholder for not registered posters. So it would be an additional distinguishing feature.

Tschö, Auge

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Show avatars on additional places (exported)

by Magma, Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 19:05 2590 days ago @ Auge


This is an entry, that was exported to mylittleforum.net.

Small avatar Images on the user area page and a small avatar Image of the user near the username top right would be very good.

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Show avatars on additional places (exported)

by Auge @, Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 11:03 2589 days ago @ Magma

This is an entry, that was exported to mylittleforum.net.


Small avatar Images on the user area page and a small avatar Image of the user near the username top right would be very good.

I made a mockup for the list of registered users.


The avatar should be displayed in different sizes on different places. As an further example a screenshot of this thread in nested view in the responsive-1-theme with open (top) and folded (bottom) opening posting.


The profile should show the avatar in it's original resolution, which is in this installation maximal 128x128 pixels.


Tschö, Auge

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